Re: Copying contact information from one sheet to another
I never did solve it. I still get complaints about it to this day And Matthew's answer would not work for me anyway. I pay a load of money for a Control Center instance - for a number of reasons, but…1 · -
Re: Putting the Pieces Together: Building Systems to Manage Work
I realize that is it likely different teams that work on the home page presentment as compared to the actual sheet functionality. However, there are DOZENS of actual functional improvements that woul…23 · -
Re: Add Formatting to Column Headers
Upvoted. In addition to all of the other excellent ideas, I would like the ability to assign alt text to a column header. I name the columns in the sheet certain things because it makes sense from a …3 · -
Using automation to update a date field
I know you can use the record a date automation to record the current date in a field, but is there any way to update a date field to a chosen value? We have a date field for the finishing of a task …2 · -
Re: Conditional Formatting on Sheet and Row Level
I would like to bump this requests as well. I have sheets where I have a need to highlight the entire column based on the value in each row. In specific, we have Week Ending columns, with the week en…1 ·